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Singer - 18-22 - Máquina de costura


The Class 18 Machines, described in the following list, are each provided with cylinder bed. disc balance wheel at left hand side, hollow needle bar, and swing back type of bobbin winder for attachment to table. They are designed for vamping shoes, etc., and for stitching other varieties of work in light and medium weight leathers. A flat work plate which can be readily attached or detached is furnished when specified on order. Machine 18-22 has one needle and a long beak shuttle, a roller presser and a drop feed at the left of the needle. The cylinder bed is 2x/i inches in diameter and U)}X2 inches in length from the needle to the base of the arm. It, is used for shoe work. Machine 18-23 has one needle and a long beak shuttle, a roller presser and wheel feed at the left of the needle. The cylinder bed is 2Y2 inches in diameter and H)}^ inches in length from the needle to the base of the arm. It is used for shoe vamping and other work in leather. Machine 18-25 has two needles and two long beak shuttles, a roller presser and drop feed at the left of the needles. The cylinder bed is 2J/<i inches in diameter and 10% inches in length from the left hand needle to the base of the arm. The distance between the two needles may be from ä’2 to 1,f inch as desired. It is used for shoe vamping and other work in leather. Machine 18-26 has two needles and two long beak shuttles, a roller presser and wheel feed at the right of the needles. The cylinder bed is 2l/2 inches in diameter and lO)^ inches in length from the left hand needle to the base of the arm. The distance between the two needles may be from 3 to } ginch. It is used for shoe vamping and other work in leather. Machine 18-27 has one needle and a central bobbin shuttle, a roller presser and drop feed at the left of the needle. The cylinder bed is 2 inches in diameter and 10J^ inches in length from the needle to the base of the arm. It is used on children’s shoes and other articles having a small opening. Machine 18-35 has one needle and a long beak shuttle, a roller presser and drop feed at. the left of the needle. The cylinder bed is 2}/2 inches in diameter and Γ>5^ inches in length from the needle to the base of the arm. It is used for general work in leather. Machine 18-36 has two needles and two long beak shuttles, a roller presser and drop feed at the left of the needle. The cylinder bed is 23^ inches in diameter and 53^ inches in length from the left hand needle to the base of the arm. The distance between the needles may be from ^ to ) inch, as desired. It is used for vamping shoes and other work in leather. Machine 18-37 has one needle and a long beak shuttle, a roller presser and wheel feed at the left of the needle. The cylinder bed is 2x/2 inches in diameter and 5^ inches in length from the needle to the base of the arm. It is used for general work in leather.

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1 Manual

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Manual do usuário
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Data de upload:
15 de Novembro de 2015