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PRODUCT INFORMATION Dimensions : 210 x 100 x 80 mm Weight : 1.6 kg Voltage & frequency : 220 - 240V, 50 - 60Hz Power consumption : 50W Colours :

The models 510-M, 712-C, 715-C and 801-G are mantel, console, console, and table Radio-Phonograph Combination models respectively. The 510-M is hou

The PM3551A/70 is capable of recording a maximum of 59 state channels and 8 50MHz timing channels while the PM3551A/30 although identical in design

DC Source/Calibrator • Voltage Range: ±100nV to ±110V, 4 Ranges with Full Carry and Borrow for each Decade • Current Range: ±10nA to ±110mA, 2