Hitachi - V-1060 - Oscilloscopio
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Hitachi V-1060
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The Hitachi portable read-out oscilloscope provides
measurement reliability and ease of operation by employing a
microprocessor. The major features are:
(1) Measurement information display
The measurement information including the sweep speed, the
delay time, the UNCAL display, and the voltage sensitivity
of the vertical axis (Cursor Readout type only) is
alphanumerically displayed on the CRT.
Since troublesome setting operation procedures are
eliminated, an operator can concentrate on the displayed
data for measurement.
(2) Measurement value display (Cursor Readout type only)
The distance between the two cursors displayed can read out
the following;
AV: Voltage between the reference cursor and the delta cursor
AT: Time between the reference cursor and the delta cursor
1/AT: Reciprocal of the time The displayed data eliminates
troublesome and time consuming calculation procedures.
Moreover, miscalculation of the scales is completely avoided.
(3) Automatic time base range setting
At a press of the AUTO button, an optimum tune base range is
automatically set. (A signal period from 1.6 to 4 cycles
approx. is displayed.)
The time base range is automatically changed to a
corresponding change in input signal period.
(4) Frequency counter (Cursor Readout type only)
The A TRIG signal frequency can be measured.
(5) Trigger lock
Since complicated pulse train waveforms are hard to trigger
on, performing the trigger iock function enables sweep
independent triggering.
The “sweep time plus holdoff time” is fixed and a stable
trigger is obtained at any time range. ■
(6) Channel input Quad channel input (V-1585, V-1085 only
Besides CHl and CH2, CH3 and CH4 provided with 0.5 V/
D1V and 0.1 V/D1V range selection capabilities are provided
for easy digital signal measurement.
(7) Bandwidth
V-1585, V-1085, V-1565, V-1065A, V-1560, V-1060 DC-lOOMHz
(2mV/div: DC-20MHz)
V-G95, V-665A, V-660
DC-60MHz (2mV/div: DC-lOMHz)
(8) High sensitivity
High sensitivity of 2 mV/div is provided.
(9) Internal graticule
Internal graticule lines eliminate parallax-viewing error
between the trace and the graticule lines.
(10) Delayed sweep
With delayed sweep, a portion of the signal can he magnified
for more accurate measurement and time comparison. The delay
time is digitally displayed on the CRT.
(11) Auto trigger level
Auto measuring of trigger level is employed, so that trigger
level range is matched to the trigger signal for maximum
trigger sensitivity and stability.
(12) TV triggering
Exclusive TV sync separator circuit technology provides
stable TV signal measurements on fields, frames and lines.
(13) Memory backup (V-1585, V-1085 only)
The panel conditions are retained for more than 48 hours
after power off. Therefore, it is not necessary to perform
the panel settings when performing the same measurement the
day after tomorrow.
1 Manuale
Manuale di servizio
Tipo di manuale:
Manuale di servizio
11,5 MB
ID manuale:
Documento scansionato, tutto leggibile.
Data caricamento:
15 Febbraio 2023