- Galaxy Electronics
- Gates Radio Company
- GC Electronics
- Geloso
- Gemini
- Genelec OY
- General Electric
- Generalmusic
- General Radio Company
- General Resistance Instruments
- Genicom
- Giant Electronics ltd.
- Gigabyte
- Giga Instrumentation
- Global Specialties Corporation
- Globe Electronics Inc.
- Goerz Electro
- Goldstar
- Gonset
- Good Will
- Good Will Instrument Co.
- Gossen
- Gossen-Metrawatt
- Gould
- Gradiente
- Graetz
- Granville-Phillips Co.
- Grindmaster Corporation
- Grundig
- GW Instek
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TPS2000 Series Oscilloscopes Deliver Powerful Productivity from Bench to Field 1 Oscilloscopes • www.tektronix.com/tps2000 As an engineer or techni
PRODUCT INFORMATION Rechargeable batteries : 3 x 1.2V Transformer AC / AC : 230 V / 7 V AC - 400 mA Charge indicator : LED Dust capacity : 0.3 Lit
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