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Siemens - K1404 - Communications Test Set


About K1404 The ISDN-U-Analyzer K1404 by Siemens is a measuring device which allows you to perform measurements at the ISDN-U interface. You can activate both the ISDN component Network Terminator (NT) and the ISDN component Line Terminator (LT), and observe the operation set-up of layer 1. It is possible to measure the electrical characteristics as well as the power feeding behaviour of the 丨SDN components. Functonal tests and jitter measurements can also be carried out. K1404 offers all test options defined by the CCiTT G961, ANSI T1.601, ETSI ETR 080 and FTZ 1TR220 guidelines. ISDN-U-Analyzer K1404 is a compact test set which combines in a single unit all the modules, signals, auxiliary signals and analyzers required for performing measurement tasks. The functions of the individual modules of the K1404 are coordinated by means of a powerful processor. Each module ist controlled by its own microcomputer and is suited for a number of different measuring tasks. K1404 features a built-in, complete selective measuring station with a frequency range of 500 Hz to 1 MHz‘ An exact analysis of the power spectrum density of the U signals is possible via selectable bandwidths (25 Hz or 2 kHz). The selective measuring device also suDDorts the device-internal measuring bridges which are necessary for the determination of return loss and longitudinal unbalance at the U interface. The transmission quality during operation can be determined via the display of a pseudo random signal. The display of specific bit errors is of course possible In addition, power feeding characteristics may be analyzed using extensive variation possibilities. You may operate the ISDN-U-Analyzer K1404 either locally via menu or via remote control. An infrared touch-panel and a clearly structured menu guidance allow for easy operation in all measuring tasks. Functions and parameter settings are selected by simply touching the selection windows on the display. The electroluminescent display with 256x512 丨mage points allows you to display the results in either graphic or alphanumeric form. In the case of a graphic display, you can fade in tolerance lines. The measured resuits are evaluated such that no further processing is required. The displayed result structures can be printed and thus documented. Remote control of the ISDN-U-Analyzer K1404 is effected via the built-in I EC bus (IEEE 488.2). Due to its low total weight and its compact dimensions, the K1404 is easy to transport, A special transport case is available for safe transport.

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1 Manuel

Manuel utilisateur
Type manuel:
Manuel utilisateur
11,3 Mio
mai 1997
Document électronique, pas de scan, très bien lisible.
Date de téléchargement:
17 décembre 2017