Compliance West - HT-5000 - Test Set

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Weitere Anleitungen und Fotos für ein
Compliance West HT-5000
können sie
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An Introduction to Dielectric Withstand Testing with the HT-5000
The dielectric withstand test is a test which is recognized
by safety agencies worldwide as a valid criterion of safe
assembly of end-use equipment. The HT-5000 is designed as a
research instrument to determine the dielectric properties
of component assemblies of end-use equipment. It applies a
high-voltage potential between Output and Return test leads
and monitors Leakage Current and watches for Dielectric
Breakdown during the test. To aid in testing, the HT-5000
can be configured with or without voltage ramp time, with or
without a test duration timer, and can be set to deliver
high voltage after an arc has been detected to allow safety
engineers to pinpoint the problem.
The dielectric withstand test involves high voltage and
caution should be exercised when using the HT-5000. The
Return Jack on the front panel is connected to ground
potential, and setups should be designed with this in mind,
to guard against the operator contacting high voltage.
Always make sure the return lead is firmly connected.
Leakage Test
The HT-5000 leakage test uses a separate low-frequency
circuit to detect excessive current as a result of low
impedance between the Output and Return jacks on the front
panel. There is not a specific leakage current level
pass/fail requirement at this time for most equipment.
However, higher than normal leakage current on a particular
sample may indicate an assembly or component problem in the
The leakage current is also monitored by the HT-5000 to
ensure that excessive leakage does not keep the Tester from
developing full voltage required for the high voltage test.
The HT-5000 will provide full voltage at any leakage current
level up to 10 mA AC and 5 mA DC. The leakage current trip
level is adjustable on the rear panel.
If the green Full Voltage LED lights and the test continues,
the leakage current was below the amount set by the rear
panel adjustment.
If the red Excess Leakage LED lights, the buzzer sounds, and
the test is terminated, the leakage current was over the
amount set by the rear panel adjustment.
High Voltage Dielectric Withstand Test
This test checks for insulation system breakdowns by
applying a high voltage between the Output and Return jacks
on the front panel. The HT-5000 uses a separate
high-frequency circuit to detect arc breakdowns of greater
than 100 nsec duration.
The duration of the test is controlled by the test time
control on the back panel. The test time is counted from the
time the Full Voltage LED is lit to the completion of the
test. The timer may be defeated, allowing the test to
continue for as long as the TEST Button is pressed. The
minimum test time when the timer is defeated is one second.
If the green Hipot Pass LED lights, the test cycle has been
successfully completed, meaning there was no dielectric
If the red Hipot Fail LED lights, a breakdown arc has been
1 Handbuch
Reparatur und Bedienungsanleitung
Reparatur und Bedienungsanleitung
831,2 KB
August 2000
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5. August 2017