
Das kostenlose Download-Archiv für Handbücher und Bedienungsanleitungen

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Some words about this site and how it was programmed and which software I used. The main system behind this site is a Database with all information about the manuals. The pages are written in pure html and css, with little help from javascript, the backend is based on django. I'm not a professional programmer, all knowledge to code this site is self made. A big thank you goes to the following sites:
Django: The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines
Mozilla Developer Network

For ideas and criticism I am to you gladly at the disposal.


All tables are based on the great Data Tables.


Some small tools that helped me a lot with some tasks:

Generate all different types of favicons from one pic Favicon Generator.
This tool helps me to build nice url's instead of a *.php file with some parameters Mod Rewrite Generator.
I use the Avatar Generator to design my favicon.
The wavy html elements between the sections are generated with Patrick Hughes SVG Generator.